




关于VOCs 废气处理的方法详细
来源:https://www.sdcjtz.com/ 发布时间:2025-01-18

  VOCs 废气处理方法

  VOCs waste gas treatment methods


  Micro nano bubble technology


  Working principle and characteristics: Micro nano bubbles have the characteristics of small volume and strong oxidizing properties, and their application has the advantages of easy operation and no secondary pollution. At present, the formation law of micro nano bubbles has characteristics different from ordinary bubbles, and their characteristics need further development and utilization.

  在喷涂废气治理中的应用:通过试验研究了微纳米气泡技术在喷涂废气治理中的应用情况。试验主要分为漆雾捕捉及废气净化两部分,结果表明微纳米气泡技术对漆雾的捕捉效果较佳,对废气的净化效率约为 60%,可用作喷涂废气的前处理技术。

  Application in Spray Waste Gas Treatment: The application of micro nano bubble technology in spray waste gas treatment was studied through experiments. The experiment is mainly divided into two parts: paint mist capture and exhaust gas purification. The results show that micro nano bubble technology has a better capture effect on paint mist, with a purification efficiency of about 60% for exhaust gas. It can be used as a pre-treatment technology for spraying exhaust gas.西子富沃德-曳引机涂装线-15


  Distributed non powered exhaust gas treatment equipment

  设备特点:针对石油炼化企业污水集输系统无组织排放废气的问题,设计采用一种典型的分散式无动力废气处理设备。该设备具有体积小、安装布置灵活等特点,集脱硫、除臭、膜分离、吸附、催化分解和生物降解等于一体,可以实现就地即时收集、即时处理、即时排放,同时能保持管网压力平衡,维持管网原有的功能,实现集输管网无组织废气排放的分散式治理,排放满足《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》GB31570 - 2015 限值要求。

  Equipment features: In response to the problem of unorganized emission of waste gas from the sewage collection and transportation system of petroleum refining enterprises, a typical decentralized non powered waste gas treatment equipment is designed and adopted. This equipment has the characteristics of small size and flexible installation and layout. It integrates desulfurization, deodorization, membrane separation, adsorption, catalytic decomposition, and biodegradation, and can achieve on-site real-time collection, treatment, and discharge. At the same time, it can maintain the pressure balance of the pipeline network, maintain the original functions of the pipeline network, and achieve decentralized treatment of unorganized waste gas emissions in the gathering and transportation pipeline network. The emissions meet the limit requirements of the "Petroleum Refining Industry Pollutant Emission Standard" GB31570-2015.


  Combustion treatment method

  分类及原理:燃烧法在工业 VOCs 废气处理中最为成熟、应用最广泛。燃烧法分为直接燃烧法、热力燃烧法和催化燃烧法三大类。直接燃烧法是将废气直接引入燃烧炉中进行燃烧;热力燃烧法是通过添加辅助燃料提高废气温度,使其达到燃烧温度进行燃烧;催化燃烧法是在催化剂的作用下,降低废气的燃烧温度,使其在较低温度下进行燃烧。

  Classification and principle: Combustion method is the most mature and widely used in the treatment of industrial VOCs waste gas. Combustion methods are divided into three categories: direct combustion, thermal combustion, and catalytic combustion. The direct combustion method is to directly introduce exhaust gas into the combustion furnace for combustion; Thermal combustion method is to increase the exhaust gas temperature by adding auxiliary fuel to reach the combustion temperature for combustion; Catalytic combustion method is the process of reducing the combustion temperature of exhaust gas under the action of a catalyst, allowing it to burn at a lower temperature.

  优缺点:燃烧法在高温下彻底破坏和去除了 VOCs,不会产生二次污染。但直接燃烧法需要较高的燃烧温度,能耗较大;热力燃烧法需要添加辅助燃料,成本较高;催化燃烧法对催化剂的要求较高,催化剂容易失活。

  Advantages and disadvantages: The combustion method completely destroys and removes VOCs at high temperatures, without generating secondary pollution. But the direct combustion method requires a higher combustion temperature and consumes more energy; Thermal combustion method requires the addition of auxiliary fuel, which is costly; Catalytic combustion method has high requirements for catalysts, which are prone to deactivation.

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