来源:https://www.sdcjtz.com/ 发布时间:2023-09-16
Automatic shot blasting machine is a commonly used surface treatment equipment, widely used in various industrial production fields. Its scope of use mainly includes the following aspects:
1. 金属表面清理:自动式抛丸机可以用于清理金属表面的氧化层、锈蚀、焊渣和污染物等,提高金属材料的清洁度和质量,为后续的涂装、喷涂或加工工艺提供良好的基础。
1. Metal surface cleaning: Automatic shot blasting machines can be used to clean the oxide layer, rust, welding slag, and pollutants on the metal surface, improve the cleanliness and quality of metal materials, and provide a good foundation for subsequent painting, spraying, or processing processes.
2. 表面增强处理:通过抛丸技术,可以在材料表面形成一种细小的凹坑结构,提高表面的粗糙度和附着力,增强材料的疲劳强度、耐磨性和耐腐蚀性,适用于航空航天、汽车制造、桥梁建设等领域。
2. Surface reinforcement treatment: Through shot blasting technology, a small concave structure can be formed on the surface of the material, improving surface roughness and adhesion, enhancing the fatigue strength, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance of the material. It is suitable for fields such as aerospace, automotive manufacturing, and bridge construction.

3. 表面修复和翻新:自动式抛丸机可以用于修复磨损、受损或老化的金属零部件表面,去除损伤层,恢复其原有的使用性能和外观质量。
3. Surface repair and refurbishment: Automatic shot blasting machines can be used to repair worn, damaged, or aged metal component surfaces, remove damaged layers, and restore their original performance and appearance quality.
4. 压力容器和管道清洗:抛丸清理可以有效去除压力容器和管道内壁的油污、氧化皮、焊渣等杂质,保证容器和管道的安全可靠运行。
4. Pressure vessel and pipeline cleaning: Shot blasting cleaning can effectively remove impurities such as oil stains, oxide skin, welding slag, etc. from the inner walls of pressure vessels and pipelines, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of vessels and pipelines.
5. 铸件除砂:自动式抛丸机广泛应用于铸造行业,可以去除铸件表面的砂芯、砂眼以及其它残留物,提高铸件的质量和外观。
5. Casting sand removal: Automatic shot blasting machines are widely used in the casting industry, which can remove sand cores, sand holes, and other residues on the surface of castings, improving the quality and appearance of castings.
Overall, automatic shot blasting machines are mainly suitable for surface cleaning, reinforcement treatment, and repair of metal materials, as well as cleaning and sand removal process requirements for pressure vessels, pipelines, and castings. According to different application scenarios and work requirements, customized surface treatment effects can also be achieved by adjusting the parameters and process flow of the shot blasting machine.